Thursday, 20 November 2014

House Leaders 2015

We are proud to announce that the 2015 House Leaders for MANUKA are

House Leader (Boy): Thomas.D

House Leader (Girl): Libby.M

Vice Leader (Boy): Aidan.H 

Vice Leader (Girl): Nicole.C
To the following people and Angela, Olivia,Dylan,Brooke and Brooklyn that also presented speeches for House Leader =) They all deserve to be treated to a dinner at a restaurant (not McD's!)

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Important reminders for Week 9/10
1 Yr 7 Prize Giving Assembly Friday
2. PE Gear daily
4. Kiwikidznews Hmwk Wk 9
5. Week 10 Monday: Room 6 Celebration Day: Shared lunch and 10 Pin Bowling (we will walk to 13th Ave Ten Pin for a game and return in time for pupils to catch their bus. (no cost)
6. Last day of school is Tuesday, home at lunch time.
7. Check bus timetable on class wall for final bus runs.

Important reminders for Week 8

1. Sports Prize Giving Wednesday 6:30pm -7:45pm
2. All library books returned
3. PE Gear daily
4. Kiwikidznews Hmwk Wk 8
5. All class projects and art needs to go home
6. Thursday "Stars Fun Day" see notice (you will get wet, PE Gear, change of underwear, plastic bag, towel)

Important Reminders for Week 7

  1. PE   Gear daily
  2. Kiwikidznews Hmwk Wk 7
  3. e.ako for timestables practice
  4. All Library Bks were due back last week

Important Reminders for Week 6

  1. Wednesday Mufti Day - $gold coin
  2. Arts evening at Baycourt Wednesday 7:00pm  tickets online or at Baycourt theatre
  3. Positive attitude to learning
  4. Kiwikidznews Hmwk Wk 6
  5. e.ako for timestables practice
  6. All Library Bks due back to Library to clear your name of any overdues and fines.

Important Reminders for Week 4-5 Term 4

Technology: Wk4 Friday - Wk5 Thursday
You will need covered footwear.

Athletics Day: Wk5 Tuesday
You will need your full PE gear including personal needs such as sunscreen.

Share Notices :for upcoming Puberty Unit with parents and Arts Week concert

Homework: Reading - Are you ready to work on your own character study and Novel review?

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Ultimate Relay 2014

(Thomas) Ultimate Relay was awesome. I really enjoyed doing the different activities and hanging out out with my friends.

(Fakaanga) I really liked the team relay. I think I did very well. But I really enjoyed the water activities more.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Camp Ngmuwahine 2014

We would like you to share the experience with us
So Adults be ready for Next Year!

  • Camp was awesome, Thank you to all the parents that came to help we had a great time, I really challenged myself with all the different activities. (Thomas)

  • Camp was a great experience for me because all the activities were different and challenging. (Joel)

Aims (Gym)

Shantae, Angela, Nicole
3 of Room 6's Gymnastics at Aims.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

The BOP Steamers Visit!

The Steamers visited the school and we celebrated with a mufti day "Blue & Yellow".
The key message was to use your 'WITS' as part of a anti bullying campaign.


Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Our Class Chant!

  • Playing by the rules is the way to do it I will try my best and i'll give up,
  • Im a leader YA see say it with me, using the stars every day of the week.
  • SINGIN' We will we will ROCK YOU!!! YEAH Manuka's gonna ROCK YOU!!
  •  Music for !We Will Rock You! By Queen.

Attendence Cup for Manuka

Room 6 has had the Attendance Cup 
times including Wk 3 and now Wk4 T 3.

Well Done Room 6!

Remember you should be at school everyday unless you're sick.

Quick up date " yeeha " we just won attendance for week 4 (thats a quinella). Wk 5 too -that's a trifecta! Well done room 6 on your attendance. Let's also make sure our uniforms are perfect along with our learning attitude.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Life Ed

lesson 1: 

In lesson 1 we learnt about choices, we had to choose what country to go to if we had won a radio competition. But Michael didn't tell us any information, we all made an uninformed decision. 

When he told us some information it defiantly made us change our mind's. He told us more and more information so it made us change our mind more and more. By the end almost all of us changed our mind's completely. Also by the end we had all made an informed decision.

By Nicole

Lesson 2:

In lesson 2 we learnt about peer pressure, and how a girl called Anna should not take a smoke. She had to try make up a  excuse. Then we learnt about  R.E.A.C.H and W.I.T.S  in lesson 3 we got to see what Anna says to taking the smoke.

R = Give a reason 
E= Give  a  Excuse
A= Asertive 
C= Change the subject 
H= Humour 

W= Walk away 
I= Ignore 
T= Talk to someone or toughen up 
S= Say No!

By Grace

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Jun and Yuto (Our new students in Rm6)

                           This is Yuto (Japan) and Jun (Korea)
          Both students will be with us this term to learn English and 
        the Kiwi Culture. Hopefully we can learn from them as well.
       Yuto enjoys soccer and writing. Jun likes biking and cooking.

       We are happy to have them in our class and learning with us.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Science Fair Boards

We had a recipe to follow for carrying out our own investigations which we completed independently. Leading up to our own investigations we carried out many classroom investigations to help with our overall understanding of how to act and think like a scientist.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

We are learning about Statistics for Mathematics.

Key Question?

How are my decisions or others influenced by statistics?

I need to be able to present data and make statements about it.

This clip will help you to remember how to find the mode, mean, median and range.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Mandarin: we have started learning Mandarin in room 6. we are all learning Mandarin. We are all learning new words like,
Zhong guo,
ju shou-hands
, qili- stand up,
ging zuo- sit down,
moshon bow-awesome job,
 ni hau-hello,
 xie xie - thank you,
 dui du qy- sorry,
 zai jian- bye,

lesson 2
buan ying ni
ni wo
ming zi
nigio shemme ming zi- Whats your name
wo jiao- My name is
noshei shei

Lesson 3 with julia
o ling, 1 yi, 2 er, 3 sans, 4 si, 5 wu, 6 liu, 7 qi,8 ba, 9 jia, 10 loshi

In China there is a bad luck number and that bad luck number is number 4 Si and that means death but the 2 good luck number is 8 ba and 6 liu Wow julia is doing well teaching us Mandarin and we all like learning the new things everything to do we can't do it without Julia and the 2 biggest countries are Beljin and Belgin is the Capital city and Shangi is one of the biggest countries and that has a biggest sky tower there higher than Auckland's sky tower and if you.

Lesson 3

Dwang shei
Ba Ba-Dad
Ma ma- Mum
yeye- poppa or Grandad
nai nai- nana or Granma
gege- Elder brother
jie jie- elder sister
di di- younger brother
mei mei- younger sister
wo-  me
qung gi

Photo and writing by Tuccoma

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Bullying (Let's Fight It!)

This week we have been focusing on Bullying, thank you to the NZ Police "Constable Den!" 

We have learnt about bullying and what to do if it happens :

  • Stereotyping.
  • Cyber-bullying. 
  • Power and Control.
  • It's Repeated. 
  • Hurting our Feelings.
  • Have someone to talk to if you are being bullied.

    5 people we can talk to if we are being bullied at school?
  • Teachers.
  • Counsellors.
  • Principals.
  • Constable Den.
  • Parents. 
(Thomas) A police mans vest is very heavy. I have learnt alot more about bullying.
(Alyssa) I learnt a lot from the DVD about bullying.
(Kodi) I liked having constable 'Den' because he showed us things and shared his experiences. 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Homework 2014

Weekly Homework Tasks include for Term 3:
  • Reading Log (daily reading)
  • Times tables: (e-ako can be helpful)
  • Spelling List (words chosen from your class list or Topic words in relation to learning)
  • Class Project ( Learning task in relation to class learning eg:  kiwi kid new page)
This terms focus is on kiwi kids news page each week tasks come home with a page in your child's homework book and they should have there homework book everyday and on Thursday it will be marked and sometimes Fridays. (Thomas)

Daily homework is for a minimum of 30 minutes. It may also include learning set by parents eg: 10 minutes of writing or       reading to a sibling.

Technology Products Wk10 - Wk11

     It was pretty cool learning how to sew and to be able to make a bag or a case. (Solomon)
    I enjoyed learning how to use a sewing machine and having the chance to do this activity. (Angela) 

      It was fun learning how to cook and to learn new recipes. (Jake)
      My favourite recipe was jam tarts. (Joel)
      I especially enjoyed tasting all the wonderful treats (jam tarts, cheese sticks, muffins,
      pizza and more       muffins! (Mr McGregor)...... looking forward to the next groups cooking!

Thursday, 10 April 2014


1-2-3-4 Manuka are back and better than before Unstoppable, unbeatable
We're the best team on the floor
repeat again 1-2-3-4!!!

You've guessed it
Number one is here! <Manuka> <The Pythons > This is our year!
Come on crowd get ready 'cus we have just begun
to prove to you once again

we are no.1
pink is our strength
and pink is our spirit
pink is our power
get on your feet, let's hear it!
(stomp clap stomp stomp clap X2 ) (Yell)

MANUKA win! with all your might MANUKA!!!! 

(Your task is to learn this chant and be ready to shout it out at Assembly!)

Monday, 7 April 2014

HomeWork Projects Sites for SideShows

Animated moving arrows, bouncing arrows and pointers

Slideshow and Video Maker, Collage Creator and Photo Editor

Slideshow Maker

School Wide - Involvement

Grace: Science Badges, Netball.
Jazmin: Hip Hop.
Thomas: Golf\ Tennis, Hockey.
Tuccoma: Tennis.
Nikita: Kapa Haka.
Tamsyn: Kapa Haka\ Hip Hop\ Choir\ Netball, Te reo.
Ihaia: Choir\ Hip Hop\ Bootcamp and Te reo.
Shantae: Trampoline\ Kapa Haka.
Taine: Volleyball\ Working for Science Badges\ Bootcamp.
Joel: Te reo\ Bootcamp,Cricket
Logan: Kapa Haka.
Kahi: Te reo.
Sativa: Kapa Haka\ Gym\ Te reo.
Kodi: Cricket\ Te reo\Tramp.
Marshal: Swimming Sports\ Cricket.
Libby: Surfing\ Vollyball\ Trampoline\ Kapa Haka\ Te reo.
Xzaveya: Kapa Haka.
Jake: Trampoline\ Bootcamp.
Angela: Gym\ Trampoline\ Kapa Haka.
Sam: Rugby\ Kapa Haka, Boys Choir
Ben: Bootcamp

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Science Fair

Here are 2 blogs that will help you decide what Science Fair project you want to do:

I hope you find an awesome Science Fair Project that you are proud of. (Alyssa)

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Class Lures

The hydro slide was thousands of meters long for my first ride. I wonder if the jump is sore? (Joel)

Freezing, deep, fun adventure. (Alyssa)

"I wonder what it looks like" Grace and I  said curiously" (Angela) 

The gleaming river, the nice warm sun, a beautiful day, the slide swishing in the light, I wondered what it would be like? (Thomas)

What would you do if you had to jump off a 10 metre high diving board into a cold gleaming river? I wondered if it would hurt?(Taine) 

Monday, 24 March 2014

Important Reminders

  • P.E Gear (EVERYDAY)
  • Inventors Project.
  • Life Ed ($10) Starts Wk 2
  • Tech (Wed,Thu,Fri,Mon,Tue) Wk1
  • Camp Forms (Parents if you can help please put your name on notice or tell class teacher Thanks)

Maths Groups

Working as a Team!
We are matching decimals, fractions & percentages. I know that 3/4 is equal to 75% and is the same as 0.75 (Marshal). I know that 50% is the same as 5/10 and is equal 0.5. This is challenging for me but I completed it! (Angela).

We are matching 10ths, 100ths, 1000ths in a game of dominoes. We need to read and recognise a decimal number. This was kind of easy but challenging. I liked working in a group because it made the task easier. (Ben). This was a fun activity I learnt that we could finish faster by helping each other. I can read decimals. (Taine)

We are using equipment to find a fraction of a group. I found this learning fun and challenging (Sativa).
Dividing the beads helped make it easier to work out, eg 2/3 of 24 = 16 (Tamsyn)

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Waimarino Water Adventure Park was our first class trip. For the next few weeks we will be writing about our awesome adventure at Waimarino (Thomas)

Learning Activities

e-ako maths

IXL Maths | Online maths practice and lessons

  • Jigsaw: for 8 -10 year olds

  • Whakatauki

    Who is who in room 6 Manuka? Room 6 pupils share individuality during circle time.

    Cricket Manuka!

    For our last cricket match we took on the mighty green machine 'Kahikatea'. Unfortunately it was to be our last game. Kahikatea went on to eventually claim the title of best Cricket House in the school.


    Tuesday, 18 March 2014

    Maunganui Haka Words
