Monday 24 March 2014

Maths Groups

Working as a Team!
We are matching decimals, fractions & percentages. I know that 3/4 is equal to 75% and is the same as 0.75 (Marshal). I know that 50% is the same as 5/10 and is equal 0.5. This is challenging for me but I completed it! (Angela).

We are matching 10ths, 100ths, 1000ths in a game of dominoes. We need to read and recognise a decimal number. This was kind of easy but challenging. I liked working in a group because it made the task easier. (Ben). This was a fun activity I learnt that we could finish faster by helping each other. I can read decimals. (Taine)

We are using equipment to find a fraction of a group. I found this learning fun and challenging (Sativa).
Dividing the beads helped make it easier to work out, eg 2/3 of 24 = 16 (Tamsyn)

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